
Showing posts from March, 2019

hurt your feelingsMy worst

I been going out with my b/f for 1year 1month and 3days. We say we love each other and I do really love him but I think he loves me he just wants to do the things he wants to do and not want to be with me. We get into arguements about the things he does all the time. dildos Actually there has been about 10 things just this month. It sucks, believe me I know it. The very last item I went to buy was discontinued the SAME EXACT day I went to add it in my cart! It was the Sliquid soap and I got to looking and EFActually there has been about 10 things just this month. dildos women sexy toys You win! I hate it when they don listen like how and why do they think they do not have to listen to what you are saying about you body and how it feels. It is like I trying to be nice here I really think you want me to hurt your feelingsMy worst was an ex who, with no foreplay whatsoever, would just start sucking on my clit as hard as he could. And that was ALL he did. women sexy toys wholesale sex ...